Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hi. Long time no see. Nice ant hills.

Hello Dear Friends.

It's been a long time and I profess, that I'm deeply apologetic for not updating sooner. It's been a busy busy few weeks around the Nap-time house and not because we've been busy busy busy doing work, but because Number 3 has decided that he's no longer willing to nap in the Pack'n'Play while his mama bear works her paws off. I learned this last week when I was busying myself around 11pm, assembling a shelf for our playroom and heard a little voice from above saying "Wash-a-hands in the toilet" and then a quick succession of flushes coming from the upstairs bathroom. A certain little person (not mentioning any names or birth place), has become quite the little toddler. Toddling his way up and out of his crib. Up and out of his play pen. Up and out of the rooms we put him in, turning knobs, unfastening diapers, and basically performing magical Houdini acts at the blink of an eye.

So to summarize where we're at with the Nap Time house. 
- The painting is complete, thanks to the Dear Painterman who finished up last week. 

I'll miss our daily visits. I told him that perhaps he should keep the key and just show up on rainy days, visiting us for coffee and light conversation while he works and I follow him around the house with paint chips clutched in my knotted fists.

The play room / den is set up (somewhat)

 Unfortunately, two weekends ago our front porch was broken into and the stools that belong with our play table were stolen. So if you live near and Ikea (which doesn't ship to where we are) and would like to be super duper generous and kind and mail us two more, we'd be forever indebted to you. 

The floors in the Master Crack Den have been scraped and sanded. This was a project I had planned on doing myself, however, Dr. Handsome was slightly more than reticent to allow me anywhere near the sander, so we opted to hire a friend of ours who does casual floor refinishing. When I say casual floor refinishing I mean, he charged us next to nothing and we tipped him with a play date for his son and some beer. 

first coat.

and I do have to say, that Dr.Naysayer was wrong. I totally could have done the floors, after having watched carefully to what the Floorguy did, with a rented sander, it really wouldn't have been very difficult whatsoever. However, the cost of renter the sander, buffer, sand paper, edger, and finish, it would likely have cost me about the same as what it cost to hire our friend, which we are very fortunate for having such great hookups. 

So if you plan on doing your floors yourself - these are the things you'll need.

- an industrial floor sander
- appropriate grit of sand paper (you need a few different grits, coarse, fine and then super fine)
-a Shop Vac with a good fine particle filter
-a sharp paint scraper for edging and corners
-a buffer with superfine sand paper
-a paint pad or very low pile paint roller 
-paint brush

-Clean your floors
-Sand your floors going in the direction of the boards, overlapping the last pass slightly (don't do more than two passes or you'll pop the tongue of your boards AND - on this note - it's best to get your floors assessed if they're in very rough shape, they may not be able to be sanded at all)
-Scrape the edges and corners well with a paint scraper
-Vacuum the room very well - let dust settle for 10 mins, and then vacuum again, ensuring that you get all of your dust up
-Buff floors with super fine paper
-Let dust settle for 10 mins
-Vacuum well again
-Apply Polyurethane to perimeter of room in a very light coat with paintbrush
-Then working from the farthest corner, coat the floors with a paint roller and polyurethane, lightly. 
-3 coats, 18 hours of dry time in between. Buff with super fine grit paper in between each coat, cleaning the floor very well each time.

Enjoy your floors.

So that's about it ladies and gents. 
I've also seeded half of the lawn, where there's no grass, but that's far from exciting. 
Tomorrow I'll do a little bit more work and post some more photos, but right now, it's off to dreamland for this nap time renovator. <3


  1. try using diatomaceous earth for the ants. Non-toxic to pets and kids, can get at gardening stores and likely cantire. must reapply, but seems to keep them at bay.

  2. Thank you! We're plagued with ants. At our current house and the new house, the ground is all lumpy lumpy and the "turtles" as Number 3 calls them, are everywhere. :( Love most creatures, but LOATHE the ants.
